In the first edition of the new look GBA newsletter we asked you to complete a brief survey to help us understand how you lie dealing with us.
We were overwhelmed by the positive feedback.
Here are a few of the comments and results:
“Reliable, trustworthy, professional, great personal service, safe”
“Sarah has been both professional and personal to deal with. Can’t speak highly enough about her.”
“Just keep up the high professional standard.”
“Sarah is wonderful, a friendly and professional asset to your team.”
“Sarah Hogwood is absolutely wonderful to deal with, great customer service.”
When asked the question of how satisfied you are with your dealing with us, a massive 91% said you were “Very Satisfied”
The other great news was that our Net promoter score was 100%! That means that all who responded would be likely to recommend us to a friend or colleague. To us that is the best compliment of all!
Trading information for novices
Bi-annual statement on the unallocated pooled Gold
Opportunity to store in other jurisdictions
Links to other businesses